Sara Dahmen is a multi-time best-selling, award-winning writer and entrepreneur, as well as the only female coppersmith in America manufacturing and building copper cookware in her Wisconsin copper shop. When not working with 1700 - 1800 tools and methods to create copperware, she is writing or researching for her next book or spending time with her three children, husband, and their mini farm or even writing screenplays for television and film! Her work has been featured in Forbes, Martha Stewart, Food & Wine, House Beautiful, on PBS, the TODAY Show, and many more.
The details
Sara’s historical fiction Flats Junction series (Promontory Press, Inc.) has been critically recognized and is currently in development for television, including her most recent release in the saga, Trader 1884. She is also a screenwriter of television and film and has written a non-fiction book, Copper, Iron, and Clay: A Smith’s Journey (William Morrow/Harper Collins) about the history, science, use and care of cookware. Her fantasy, Seven Nights in the Dying Castle, was released in 2023, with additional fantasy novels in development to match a fantasy game and television series already optioned.